Rumor: n. A favorite weapon of the assassins of character.
Here at the Rumor Mill we believe in equality for all unless you're a dangerous minority trying to cross our border or a homo lusting after a marriage license. Thus we encourage reader participation with respect to all events, persons, elections, and posts. will get the job done and send some more gossip to the grindstone.
You missed them, didn't you? Now pucker up and say hello to an all-new and fully up-to-date:
CRNC Power Rankings
- Truth Caucus : We all read it - Paul even learned how to read just so Hydro didn't have to keep reading it to him.
- Charlie Smith : Wishes a sport coat and jeans were in style; but until someone else runs, he can wear what he pleases.
- Brent Ludeman: Will Reformers hail another savior come from the West?
- Blake Harris: What has red hair, a Blackberry, and a third hand to stroke his own ego?
- Brian Siler: Will he make the sac fly to bring Ludeman into home?
- Jess Beeson: "They tried to make me go to rehab. I say no, no, no."
- Nick Miccarelli: "They tried to make me go to rehab and I won't go, go, go."
- Ethan Eilon: If being a prick makes trains run on time, plan on being five minutes early.
- Dan Carlson: A ticket spot and the most delegates at convention make Danny a happy boy.
- Michael Davidson: Doesn't have a horse in this race...yet.
- National Officers: Forming up a new band. Word is it'll be a cross between Destiny's Child and the Village People.
- Esther Clark: The hottest state chair since, well, ever. Oh and did I mention she's got brains, too?
- Paul Gourley: Paul is hoping 13 is his lucky number and next Friday's agenda doesn't mention impeachment.
- Ryan Clumpner: California lacks the delegate power it once had, but can anyone say: king maker.
- John Burris: Gives Real Reform a Southern twang.
- Keith Gates: Old enough to be my father - oh wait, he is.
- Justin Smith: Silent but deadly.
- Nate Walton: Hasn't told any Southerners to go f*** themselves in over a year - another month and he gets a peach cobbler.
- Erin McTiernan: Who's a NY blond, has an ambitious husband, and will stop at nothing for national recognition? Hint: not Hillary.
- Ryan Bilodeau: It's a good thing Romney has money, because somebody's gotta pay for the hair gel.
- John T. Plecnik: May I esquire as to why he's still involved?
- Michael Miltenberger: For once, Miltenberger didn't like getting screwed while at Harvard.
- Zach Howell: Not worried about winning because he can also go back to selling Bibles.
- Jessica Westbrook: Best QB out of Mississippi since Bret Favre.
- Brian Gwozdz: Saying his last name is half the battle; piss him off and you won't be a delegate, either.
- Bobby Kaufmann: Midwest race has been pretty quiet, even for Iowa.
- Mike Keough: How the hell is he running?
- Craig McCoy: Will he give the Wild West a new meaning and throw down with Charlie?
- Eric Amidon: Wears the pants in the relationship...whenever Erin lets him.
- Grant Hewitt: Little known but with a long reach.
- George Gunning: I wouldn't piss on him if he were on fire.
- Derek Hall: Anyone ready for a Kentucky Derby style election?
- Frank Luna: No one's seen him since the final episode of the Sopranos.
- Taylor Burks: Impeached (?) and still causing waves...Nixon would be proud.
- Beth Dorobiala: Hoplin, Grassel, MacGregor...Dorobiala?
- Kristy Cottrell: That dog just don't hunt.
- Soren Dayton: Living proof you don't need hair to go swimming in the kiddie pool.
- Dan Centinello: Not the first CR to get f***ed by Eric Amidon and certainly not the last.
- David Stevens: He's no Wacholtz and certainly no Jardon, so who knows, maybe FL stands a chance this time.
- Lindsay Moffett: Oh, yeah, she was pretty hot, too.
- Samantha Hill: Learned politics from running for Class President...of her homeschool.
- Jonathan Bryant: Awfully quiet since squeaking by at convention.
- Mary Ellen Burke: Interning at LI - did she get lost or something?
- Justin Jordan: Will he be thrown from the bull or learn to ride?
- Dave Copley: The only thing keeping Miccarelli and Gunning out of prison.
- Will Selph: Long time Ludeman ally saddles up.
- Tommy Jardon: Courting Log Cabin Republicans the only way he knows how.
- Seth Wimer: High School called, they want you back.
- Patrick Binning: Planning on spoiling Obama's chances - could he play spoiler somewhere else?
- Amanda Hydro: The only power she needs to worry about is the power to subpoena.
Eric Amidon has definitely fucked over enough people and basically runs New York, for what little leadership it actually has.
Grant Hewitt - who the hell is that. Is this our version of the man behind the mask....
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